Tea with Three is about having a relationship with God, even when it's hard and crazy, or easy and wonderful. It's about pursuing Him and seeing life in the best of ways.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
God has a really creative side, don't you think? He's so creative that He made ants. Yes, ants. Ants that steal food, arrive as a party, crawl over everything and sometimes even scare people. Those tiny bugs are impressive. They're impressive because God gave them something special. A minuscule, black sugar ant can lift as much as 50 times its own weight. It's crazy to think that such a small creature, could lift such huge things. I guess you could say we can apply the same idea, to faith.
It doesn't take that much to have faith in something. For example, when I get in my car to go to work, I have faith that I won't get in a car crash and die. Or when I get a cup of tea, I have faith I won't spill hot liquid all over myself when running up the stairs. Or even when I'm getting out of bed, I have faith that I won't fall over (as crazy as that sounds). I have this simple, easy faith in objects and things that I probably shouldn't have. After all, I don't know how slippery the mug is or how fast others are driving on the road.
Having faith in people on the other hand, is a little harder. It's easy for me to have faith in my parents, that they will provide for me and take care of me. But it's more difficult to have faith in other people. It's tedious to have faith in my friends, when they're asking me to do insane things. Or in people around me or at my church, because I don't know what they could do at any moment. Or in a best friend, who could up and leave at any second, but I just hope that they don't. It's harder to have faith in people then in things, because objects you can fix or exchange, but people you can't.
Having faith in objects is easy; having faith in people is hard; having faith in God feels impossible. Yes, it does feel that sometimes I am on a Jesus-high, and I could shift the Earth with my faith if I wanted to, but realistically, I do not have such a big amount of faith. In fact, my faith size is probably so small, it needs a microscope. I'm not saying this because I'm criticizing myself or my faith abilities, nor anyone else's for that matter; I'm saying this because of a verse, and here it is:
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
If I had faith the size of a mustard seed, I could move mountains. Mountains. Those giant things thrusting from the Earth that are a billion times my size, I could move; I could be the ant of real life. I could move those mountains like a piece of cake if I had faith the size of a mustard seed. The crazy part isn't about moving mountains, it's about the size of our faith. Our faith is so teeny tiny, that it's not even the size of a mustard seed. That's right; we're so faithless, we can't even stand a chance against a mustard seed. Even though moving mountains is fantastic, I believe there's something better; if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move hearts. We could change the world, with our mustard seed sized faith. Yet, we don't, because we don't have a faith big enough.
Maybe we will never have faith as big as the tiny mustard seed in the jar above, or maybe one day someone will and a mountain will move. I can't really tell you, because I don't know. My challenge for you, is that you would aim for faith larger than a mustard seed, instead of sitting around in the little under-sized mustard seed world. Go out and beyond to achieve this! Have faith in God, instead of objects or people.
And have a mustard seed faith to move hearts and mountains.
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